The Secret Lives of Salmon: A Night for Curious Landowners
Are you a landowner along the lower Alsea River or Alsea estuary? Are you interested in learning about opportunities for watershed restoration in your community?
MidCoast Watersheds Council, a local restoration group, invites you to join us for a free dinner
and a presentation about the complex journey of salmon. Oregon Coast coho salmon were listed as threatened in 1998, largely because stream and estuary habitat loss led to dwindling populations. We have learned a lot about coho since that time, including that they use different life history pathways through our watersheds to access food and shelter during their freshwater focused early life. Research in the nearby Salmon River estuary showed that early estuary rearing often increased ocean survival and adult return rates. We’ve always known the importance of small, cold, streams for spawning and early rearing for young salmon, but new research paints a more complex picture with mainstems, other tributaries, and estuaries being productive safe havens for ocean bound coho. The event will be at the Waldport Community Center on Wednesday January 29th at 5:30 PM. Please RSVP through Eventbrite or by calling: 541-265-9195.
Our featured speakers are Wes Shum, the Assistant Project Leader at the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, and Evan Hayduk, the Executive Director of the MidCoast Watersheds Council.
Hear from Wes Shum, ODFW, about and the journey these incredible fish make from our inland creeks, through our watersheds and estuaries, to the ocean and back. Wes has spent years monitoring salmon throughout coastal rivers and streams and he brings with him a wealth of information about what ecological conditions support healthy salmon runs. Evan Hayduk will discuss the diverse paths salmon take on their journey from spawning grounds to ocean. He will dive into how habitat restoration in estuaries gives young salmon the ideal habitat to bulk up in before their journey into open waters.
We encourage river and bayfront landowners to attend– Wes and Evan will be available to answer any questions.
Please note: This event is at the Waldport Community Center