Friday, December 20, from 9 AM to 1 PM, we're hosting a Native Planting party at Starr Creek Preserve, a tidal wetland in the Alsea Bay owned and managed by The Wetlands Conservancy.
Earlier this year, Starr Creek Preserve saw a major restoration effort, with over 200 logs strategically placed in the stream and floodplain to create complex, healthy habitat for salmon. This work is possible because of the collaboration between The Wetlands Conservancy and MCWC. Now, we're working to restore native vegetation to enhance these efforts and support long-term ecosystem health. All are welcome—come help us bring native plants back to this special site!
Location: Starr Creek
Time: 9 AM - 1 PM
Meeting Options: Meet at Starr Creek at 9 or carpool from the MidCoast office in Newport. If carpooling, meet at 8:30 AM at the MCWC office (914 SW Coast Highway, Newport, OR 97365).
Parking Information: Park along the gravel pullouts on N Bayview Ct. Parking is available, but carpooling is encouraged.
What to Bring: Wear hiking boots or rubber boots and dress in layers to prepare for varying weather conditions. Bring plenty of water to stay hydrated. We will provide snacks and tools.
Please let Natalie ( know if you'll be joining us, your participation makes a huge difference!