Beaver Creek Conservation Nursery
We collaborate with Oregon State Parks to run a native plant nursery in Brian Booth State Park. Our nursery is perched above the Beaver Creek marsh, where we collect local cuttings and seeds of marsh species for propagation. Many of our plants also come from partner nurseries, and are cared for here before going to habitat restoration sites throughout the coast range.
A view of our nursery, Beaver Creek marsh, and the Pacific Ocean in the distance.
A variety of native grasses and wildflowers are housed here. Some of the trees and shrubs we grow include:
Douglas Spirea
Black Twin berry
Red Elderberry
Pacific Ninebark
And many others!
Western Red Cedar
Western Hemlock
Doug Fir
Sitka Spruce
Big Leaf Maple
Red Alder
Various Willow species
Red Twig Dogwood
The number and species of plants varies greatly depending on the season and upcoming project needs. Generally all of these plants are used for habitat restoration, and not for sale. One exception is the native plant sale hosted by our partners at Lincoln County Soil and Water Conservation District, so see their website for more information.
The “sunny” southern side of the nursery from above, showing the seed beds and smaller stock such as pollinator and dune species.
The “shady” northern side of the nursery from above, where we tend to larger stock including trees and shrubs.
Our dedicated community of volunteers that built much of the infrastructure continues to maintain the nursery on a regular basis. We are so grateful for their time and expertise! If you would like to get involved, please join our volunteer list. We love sharing the joy of nursery work with new people, and we organize regular volunteer days here and other restoration sites.