Focused Investment Partnership
The Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board (OWEB) administers Focused Investment Partnerships (FIP) which are significant investments in initiatives addressing ecological priorities of importance to the State with projects demonstrating clear, measurable ecological outcomes implemented by high-performing partnerships.
Restoring Resilience in Two Estuaries
In 2022, OWEB awarded $7.8 million over 6 years to the Oregon Central Coast Estuary Collaborative’s (OCCEC) FIP initiative entitled “Restoring Resilience in Two Estuaries”. The initiative includes prioritized restoration and conservation actions in the Yaquina and Alsea estuaries, under three project types:
Tidal marsh restoration within existing tidal range;
Protection of existing forested tidal wetlands, and restoration of spruce swamp and scrub/shrub habitats (only ~6% of these habitats remain); and
Protection and restoration of current and potential future tidal wetlands within ranked Landward Migration Zones (thereby adding resilience to sea level rise).
the FIP expands the work we can do in estuaries
As an active member of the OCCEC, MidCoast Watersheds Council (MCWC) served as the FIP applicant, and now administers the FIP initiative on behalf of the partnership. MCWC’s Estuary Program Manager convenes regular meetings of the FIP Core Team and Partners to manage the FIP initiative and work collaboratively to implement projects. The FIP significantly increases estuary restoration and conservation happening within the geographical working areas of OCCEC and MCWC.
FIP Restoration Projects
Since being awarded in 2022, the FIP partners have collaboratively developed and shared detailed progress and project specific monitoring plans, conducted outreach to a variety of landowners, contracted with engineering firms to develop restoration design plans and alternatives, conducted tidal wetland assessment and prioritization, and worked through permitting for the first on-the-ground restoration project at the Starr Creek Preserve, on the Alsea estuary, owned by FIP Core Partner, The Wetlands Conservancy.
View of Alsea Bay from the Starr Creek Preserve.