Documenting Our Area's Biodiversity


How can we find out the biodiversity in our part of the world?  A “BioBlitz” is an intense period of biological surveying in an attempt to record all the living species within a designated area. Conducted by groups of scientists, naturalists, and volunteers, these events are an increasingly powerful way to establish a baseline and conduct ecological monitoring that may otherwise not be feasible.  It is also an opportunity for local people to learn more about the life around them from professions. At the October 3rd MidCoast Watersheds Council Community Meeting, Ian Throckmorton will present on the practice of BioBlitzing, as well as the use of the species documentation program called iNaturalist. 


Ian Throckmorton is an Oregon State Uuniversity graduate with a degree in Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, and whose work is focused on conservation and education.  Along with a general discussion of BioBlitz practices, Ian will be presenting information and results of the numerous BioBlitz events that have taken place along the Oregon Coast over the past few years.  By the end of the presentation, participants will not only understand what a BioBlitz is, but also why and how they may carry out events of their own.

The presentation will begin at 6:30 PM in Room 205 on the upper floor of the Newport Visual Arts Center in Nye Beach, at 777 NW Beach Drive.  Refreshments will be provided. Following the presentation, a MidCoast Watersheds Council Board meeting will carry out with the following agenda: financial report, restoration report, technical team report, administrative committee report, and action items. We hope to see you on Thursday, October 3rd.