Salmon on Trees: Council Coordinator featured in Oregon Coast Today

"Salmon and people aren’t that different. We all need cool, clean water to survive. The actions we take to restore salmon habitat — replacing bad culverts, placing large wood in streams, planting native trees and shrubs — all do more than just restore salmon habitat. These actions restore the natural systems and processes that give us idyllic images of cold-water streams rushing through lush, green mountain terrain. We are focused on salmon, but the work we do touches everything that lives on the landscape" -Evan Hayduk


Oregon Coast Today columnist Paul Haeder joined MCWC Council Coordinator Evan Hayduk, Lincoln Soil & Water Conservation District Interim Director Jen Hayduk, and their beloved pup Tahoma for some planting of Little Lobster Creek's seasonal floodplain wetlands. In the process, the group talked about salmon, large wood, beaver, blue carbon, and work ethics. As Haeder's column name suggests, this is truly a Deep Dive into the world of restoration! 

Sit back and enjoy reading the full article here: